FAQ: Masks, Numbing Cream, the Future of Tattooing
TL;DR: Masks are required.
Life in general was considerably different before 2020. There were events that changed the very fabric of our society and we as individuals. A plague of sorts can really make someone evaluate a lot about they see and act in the world. And for some, things don’t change at all in 676 years. For me personally, I learned how selfish people can be when it comes to boogeymen, and how selfish others can be just to keep themselves and others safe. I’m in the latter category.
I wear a mask any time I feel under the weather in any way while tattooing; and have since 2005. Right before the shoe fell in 2020 concerning Covid, I was researching renewable/reusable materials for masks while I tattooed. As a tattoo artist my face is directly facing the tattoo (an open wound), and even something as simple as breathing emits materials; air, saliva, lunch, and anything going for a ride on that material. So, when you really think about it, how gross is it that I’m basically spitting all over your tattoo for hours? Pretty f’n gross in my opinion. I will be wearing a mask during the entire tattoo process.
Since the rise and “fall” of Covid, new strains are constantly emerging. And from what I have come to understand, somewhere around 20% of tests don’t test properly, let alone we aren’t ahead of the ‘vid enough to test for all these new strains. So, even if the tests were tip top, there’s strains we can’t test for. I rarely get ill, and since Covid I have had two colds that lasted two with residual effects. I hate taking time off; it hurts you, me and my family. I don’t want to be away from the studio more than I need. For some people, illness is an opportunity to take a break from life, but for me… No. I’d rather just take some time off and be healthy to enjoy my family. I don’t want to be sick. I don’t want to bring your spit monsters home and infect my family. Clients are required to wear masks because I don’t want to be sick. Simple as that. I can’t tattoo you if I can’t get out of bed.
It’s such a simple and dumb accessory to wear to keep everyone healthy. So stupid in fact, why is anyone even complaining about it. I thank you all for not making this political, but if it is… As I’ve stated thousands of times since 2020, I don’t want to work with you anyway. I’m a Leftist, and Athiestic Satanist, and care deeply about everyone I work with. My clients are my friends, and my family. I love y’all.
Numbing Cream
I’m always being asked if numbing cream works, if we use during the tattoo process, or sell it. So, here we go…
1. Do numbing agents work? Yes, but I have found only one brand at this time that doesn’t seem to affect the tattoo process or healing process. A lot of products in the past will make the skin become resistant, or hard, to the touch and in order to compensate I have to adjust my machine and tattoo technique and that increases the rate of damage to the skin in a negative way. This increases heal time as well due to said damage.
2. Do you use numbing agents during the tattoo process? Yes, but no in the way you’d expect. The numbing creams need to be applied an hour and a half to two hours before tattooing begins to achieve their full effects. The numbing ingredients within the creams need time to become activated (via heat), then be absorbed in order to affect the pain receptors. That process is about 90 minutes at the minimum. During the tattoo, I can either reapply the cream and try to have a reactivation process on perforated skin, or I use Bactine which contains Lidocaine if the cream wasn’t used. Bactine isn’t super effective, but it does take the edge off to get through the lasy 30-60 minutes.
3. Do you sell numbing creams of any kind? Yes. We sell a cream by a company called Bondi Tattoo Care. Out of all the creams, sprays, and foaming washes I’ve had the chance to use, this is the best so far. It’s $35 through us or their site. If you’re interested in acquiring some, just let me know and I will make arrangements for ya to pick some up one way or another. For the process of the numbing cream, please visit my blog HERE.
Yeah, I redrew their image and stickered it… what.
The Future of Tattooing…
After some recent events I think I’ve decided to cut the fat and get to the point. Tattooing for me is creating a place of like-mindedness that promotes positivity, love and respect. Some people think when it comes to business you should respect everyone to the point of accepting all walks of life, and that people are entitled to your time because you’re in business. No one owes anyone anything. Appreciation, and gratitude goes a long way. Even if it’s something as appreciating someone for just being. The one thing I don’t appreciate is bigotry. I won’t tolerate hate speech.
I started tattooing in 2005 and I wanted nothing more than a positive and supporting environment that I could treat everyone like my dearest friends. Because, this thing we’re a part of was more than some profitable transaction, but people supporting each other. Making a fair trade out of respect and appreciation. I don’t like just being a spiritless copy machine. I want to share the human experience through tattooing. Especially, after learning that I’m Neurodivergent (Autistic), it has become important to me to use my time wisely not waste it listening to people who reside themselves to fear and hate. I support Black Lives, and all People of Color, I support the LGBTQIA+ community, I support Women, and I support Anti-Fascist, Anti-Racist movements. I support education, critical thinking, life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.
If these things offend you, you have to ask yourself why. Why is treating everyone with dignity, respect, equality and being inclusive so triggering?
Now that I’ve kicked that horse to death. Know that I am here to show support, love and provide a safe space for the people that need it. You have a friend and ally in me. I am here to listen, learn, grow and fight for you where I can. Thank you for sharing your time and efforts with me, and allowing me to be a part of your lives, and sharing my art with you! ❤️
My original logo back in 2005 was a flag that was red, white, and black with red fill in on the letters and star. Thought it was time for an update. 😆